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Terry Baranski

Reconnect With Yourself bringing awareness, compassion, and curiosity to each part of you – even the ones you may not like very much.​

Gentle Stream

What I Do

I'm a trauma-informed mental health practitioner who focuses on root causes rather than symptoms. I help people all over the world go underneath their behaviors, thought patterns, and diagnoses to address what is causing problems in their lives. I use a compassionate, non-judgmental, and non-pathologizing approach that is well-suited to effect real change - whether your challenges manifest in relationships, with parenting, or at work. My goal is to enable a level of deep healing that allows each of us to recover our true self, which is always present - even when hidden by maladaptive patterns.

root cause

The two primary therapeutic modalities that I use are Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Compassionate Inquiry (CI), both of which are wonderful approaches to tease apart true causes from surface-level symptoms. It is my belief that the unconscious is typically running the show to a far greater extent than we realize, and it is from this perspective that true healing can occur. As Carl Jung wrote, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." The essence of this work is to shed light on how our unconscious beliefs dictate our conscious behaviors, and to establish compassionate relationships with those beliefs to effect healing.


I work with a wide spectrum of mental health struggles including depression, chronic anxiety, shame, addictive behaviors, reactivity, self-loathing, hopelessness, procrastination, purposelessness, and so-called eating disorders. This approach is also very effective for chronic physical issues including pain and autoimmune conditions.


I believe that self-healing is a natural function of any organism. But modern culture often gets in the way, resulting in repetitive patterns and a sense of being stuck. I facilitate a process of assisted self-discovery to untangle these dynamics, and to restore harmony and balance to the inner system.


Click here to read more about me.


I work with clients via private 1-on-1 Zoom sessions ($175/60min). 

(Note: I offer a limited number of tiered pricing slots at $150 and $125. These are solely needs-based. Contact me using the form below to be added to the waiting list.)

Free Consultation Call

Click here to book a 30-minute consultation call to discuss your goals for self-growth and any challenges that are in the way. I'll speak to how I think my approach can help, and we can determine whether we'd be a good fit to work together.

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My fundamental belief is that our natural state is one of harmony. When there is disharmony, we bring curiosity and ask "Why?" rather than attempting to fight, resist, or distract from it. 

©2024 by Terry Baranski

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